Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Basket, containing amongst other things; Jasmine, Roses, Lavender, salt, seawater and matches!

Ritualistic Walking

My MA study has explored how people may connect to place through the act of traversal, that is walking. In September last year, (2012) I created an art installation for the Whitstable Biennale that examined how a ritualistic walk can engage people to place.

The Salt Way is an ancient track in Kent which runs from Whitstable to Canterbury. I have researched this as a case study for my investigation into how people connect to place. 
Last weekend I organised a similar 'performance' along a particular section this old salt trading route.

The group of people involved enjoyed this archetypal event, recognising the connection we still have between us, the land and the many others who have walked the path before us.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The Salt Way, Whitstable, Kent.


This blog is to record the remaining two months of my MA in Design, exploring how people connect to place. I have studied for nearly 2 years on a part-time course at UCA in Rochester, Kent. This has allowed me to indulge myself in interests that I have had over many years which at the time seemed independent of each other but now make sense as a whole.

The title of my research paper was 'Place, Projection and Possession' and looked at how people can be encouraged to connect to a certain place and what is needed for them to project a sense of possession onto a place and feel connected to it.
I am now preparing for my MA show in August and would like to share the thrills and tribulations of such a deadline and end to the project.

As the time has passed I now feel that the end of the MA project is just the start of something new and wonderful.

I shall be blogging a couple of times a week to keep up with my thoughts and hopefully retain interest for any readers of these pieces.